Saturday, 17 March 2007


Another topic of conversation during one of the lectures at 'Being Bad' was regarding prostitution. A video clip from the Audrey Hepburn film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' was shown and two questions followed:-
Question One:- Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then does not supply sex?
Only two students vocally said that it is prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex and then not to deliver sex. Most of the students were silent on the matter. However, when students were asked to raise their hands there was an overwhelming majority that said it is NOT prostitution in these circumstances.
Certainly it seems that prostitution is associated with the concept of delivering sex for payment. From a consumer point of view in order foe a contract to be made there are three factors which have to be satisfied:- an offer, consideration of the offer, and acceptance of the offer. In the video clip this did not occur in an expressed form but could be argued to have occured on an implied form.
In a more modern example than 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' a similar example occured on Celebrity Big Brother 2007. Now I must admit that I do not watch the ordinary Big Brother but do dip in and out of the Celebrity Big Brother. This year Jade Goody's mother (I think her name was Jackie) admitted that she used to take money from men in her younger days for sex and then once she had the money she used to run away and escape. Now in this situation I would argue that an offer had been made, the offer was given consideration and finally the offer had been accepted. In these circumstances it is easier to argue that prostitution has occured because the terms have been more apparent and no misunderstanding could have occured.
In both examples (the Audrey Hepburn character and Jackie Goody) sex was not actually delivered and so perhaps it could be argued that they are both con-women rather than a prostitute. Another word that could be thrown into the debate could be the word 'Bitch' but then that would start a whole new argument as to the definition of bitch and so lets just not go there just yet.
Question Two:- If it is prostitution, then how much is a reasonable chrage?
Having done an MBA I will suggest the answer is what ever the market forces can sustain. For example a recent newspaper report on Faria (whose surname I cannot remember but she is the one that was shagging Sven Gorgan Erikson) is charging thousands for sex as a prostitute for just a few minutes because of who she is.
Final Thoughts on Prostitution.
In the examples of the Audrey Hepburn character and Jackie Goody I will suggest that they were con-women rather than prostitutes and so they were behaving badly. In regards to prostitutes who do supply sex for money I would suggest that that is their chosen profession and that they are not necessarily behaving badly. Although it is fair to say that not all prostitutes have chosen that as their profession. There was a case in recent months on the News where illegal immigrants were being held against their will and forced to be prostitutes. Perhaps the area that should be looked at in deciding whether a prostitute is behaving badly should be to to with what is their reason for being a prostitute, and what 'acts' do they provide.
Finally, I have today just finished reading Paul McDonald's 'Kiss me softly, Amy Turtle' in which there is a humourous portrayal of prostitution at Penny's Pleasure Palace. I recommend you read it.
Here are some intereting websites on prostitution:-
And now for some comedy on prostitution:-

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