Last week I was in Borders in Birmingham and I heard the security alarm go off. As I made my way to the exit I saw one of the staff talking to two teenagers and the one took out of his bag what seemed like a double CD. The member of staff then said to that particular teenager "I don't know where you're going. You're going to be here a long time." The teenager who had been caught shoplifting started to smile smuggly as he went back into the shop with the member of staff but this smuggness seemed to be designed to hide his obvious embarrassment. A third teenager then ran up to the second teenager asking what had happened. May this be a lesson to all those who suggested that shoplifting is not the same as other types of theft. It is still breaking the law and chances are that those who are caught shoplifting will be prosecuted.
Final ThoughtsI recommend the shortstory 'Wicked, Deliciously so by John Mulcreevy from the book 'Loffing Matters' (2006). This is a tale of two pensions behaving badly, including shoplifting.
As usual some websites on today's theme, shoplifting:-
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