In the lecture on masturbation it was mentioned that this topic has been a focus of discussion for thousands of years but that at some point it seemed to become a taboo subject and has only in recent years started to become a focus of discussion.
The purpose of this blog entry is to discuss masturbation as depicted in the book 'Against Therapy' by Jeffrey Masson (1992) in the chapter on 'Dora and Freud'. Masturbation by his clients is used by Freud to hide incompitent medical procedures and to try to regain popularity after his theories on sexual assault (which Freud refers to as 'seduction') and incest was not well received by his colleagues in the field of psychology.
Freud uses phrases such as "Among the pains which derive from masturbation, I would like to emphasise one in particular, because of its importance: neurologic stomach pain. One sees it very early on in the case of women who masturbate, and it is to be found among young ladiees as frequently as masturbation itself." Freud also states that "It is well known that gastric pains occur especially oftenin those who msturbate."
In this chapter there is also a quote from Felix Deutsch who was a physician who communicated with Freud and in the case of Dora stated "The inability to clean out her bowels, her constipation, remained a problem to the end of her life. ..... Her death from cancer of the colon, which was diagnosed too late for successful operation....". Deutsch agreed with Freud regarding masturbation being the cause of Dora's various illnesses rather than admit their own failings as medical practitioners or admit that Dora has been sexually assaulted as a child by her father.
There are also references in this chapter to other cases that masturbation was used to explain medical conditions. "....when Freud handed over an earlier patient, Emma Eclstein, to Fliess for nasal surgery because of masturbation, she nearly died from the bungled operation". This occured in 1897.
If one was to believe the types of theories that Freud and others developed regarding masturbation then why do G.P.'s not prescribe medication to stop masturbation and why do G.P.'s not suggest "stop masturbating" as a credible solution to people's illnesses.?
If such theories were to believed then surely illnesses such Irritable Bowel Syndrome (of whom approximately 20% of the population suffer) may well have been caused by masturbation.
I don't believe in the above two suggestions that I have made but for those who do then perhaps the world is just full of wankers.
And finally some more comedy videos on masturbation:-
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