Recently there was a Being Bad Lecture on Masturbation. This is very much a taboo subject usually. The lecturer requested information from students anonymously regarding their age, the first time they masturbated, the frequency that they masturbate etc. I do hope he is just collecing data. Myself and my fellow students to my right and to my left decided not to submit the information requested due to the three of us being much older than the majority of students and therefore could easily be identified by our age. Or perhaps that was just an excuse. Perhaps because of our ages (33, 34 and 39) we just grew up in a generation that never discussed masturbation where as the subject matter is less taboo for the next generation due to comedy via the media (television and radio) and also due to modern day comedy routines (e.g. stand-up-comedians).
I do remember years ago listening to a Bishop discussing the forgiveness of sins in front of an audience. Although the Bishop never mentioned the term 'masturbation' he did go on about the one sin that is not forgiven under any circumstances is self-abuse. The way he was refering to self-abuse I do believe he was refering to masturbation.
I do remember years ago listening to a Bishop discussing the forgiveness of sins in front of an audience. Although the Bishop never mentioned the term 'masturbation' he did go on about the one sin that is not forgiven under any circumstances is self-abuse. The way he was refering to self-abuse I do believe he was refering to masturbation.
I also remember the comedy 'Birds of a Feather' where a father tells his son at a restaurant to stop playing with himself under the table or he will go blind. Dorien (the neighbour) thinks the boy is masturbating and says "surely not". However, the boy is merely playing with an electronic game under the table. The reason I mention this is because this was shown on television about ten years ago and the punchline of that particular comedy scene would indicate that certain myths, such as going blind if you masturbate, obviously is still a firm belief in some peoples minds.
Here are some information sites on Masturbation:-
And some comedy sites on masturbation:-
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