Sunday, 18 March 2007


When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking? I would suggest that either when the interest is unwanted by the person being followed or when the interest is being done in secret. For example if it was a healthy interest in someone then surely there would be no need to hide the facts on what that person is doing.
Are some kinds of Observance allowable and appropriate? Which one's aren't? I would suggest not unless permission by the person who is being watched has been obtained. Not even for research purposes. It is an invasion of Human Rights.
I once had to interview someone aged in their late 80's who was stalking his ex-fiance. He was hidding in bushes and in his car and following her trying to get to her alone away from her family. What was more embarassing was when he started to tell me about his sex life during his engagement. I usually like the variety of my job but this was one weird interview and I just couldn't get him to stop giving intimate details. This interview was conducted over ten years ago and I only remembered whilst doing this entry. Pardon the pun (entry which was one of the client's main areas of monologue).
Here are some informative links on stalking:-
And finally Dawn French shows us why stalking is BEING BAD:-

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