It seems that because of the Being Bad lecture on masturbation that I am suddenly noticing the humour on masturbation on television. In addition to the previous comments on Birds of a Feather and League of Gentlemen I have also noticed references to masturbation on television in the last three weeks from the following programmes:- Friends, Will and Grace, Teachers, the Charlotte Church Show, and from the film Dreamers.
In Friends Phoebe makes a reference that when she was a girl she was allowed to look but not touch. Chandler then makes a comment that he too was told that when he was a child looking down at his genetalia area. In Will and Grace after Will and Grace go to a hotel to conceive a child they decide not to conceive the natural way and instead go to a sperm doner center. When Will then says he is going to have a shower Grace makes a comments that she doesn't want him masturbate and loose his best swimmers (although the word masturbate is not actually used). Will expalins that will not happen and Grace says she wishes she was that reserved - finally a mention of female masturbation. Further female masturbation discussions in Teachers where the teachers are discussing masturbation in the pub. The male characters seem genuinely surprised at the female characters revelation that they too masturbate. On the way home two of the male characters are discussing the earlier discussion and the one person says "My God, what if it's like the biggest kept secret and they [women] are all at it". In the Christmas Special of the League of Gentlemen a young girl goes to confession regarding her feeling for a boy and the Vicar asks if she touches herself in forbidden areas and more discussion follows until the girl admits she is masturbating (again the masturbation word is not actually used) and teh Vicar starts yelling at the girl at how disgusting she is and chases her out of the Church. In the Charlotte Church show they showed a humourous clip from Trainspotters where a boy a masturbating and his mother walks in. Finally in Dreamers a young woman forces her boyfriend to masturbate in a corner as a punishment infront of their friend.
In the programmes where the masturbation word or other similar word is not actually used it is because of the ime the programme is shown and because some of the audience is too deemed too young.
With the possible exception of Dreamers all the other programmes and films mentioned either show or discuss masturbation in a humourous tone.
And here is a scene from Extras:-