Monday, 30 April 2007

Being Drunk

Alcoholism as far as I am concerned is an illness. Alcoholism is to do with addictive behaviour. However, the behaviour that occurs when someone is drunk is often bad behaviour. It can be argued that the person is not them self and they need help to beat their addiction. However, the behaviour that often occurs, either to support the habit (e.g. theft) or whilst dunk (argumentative, sleeping on the streets, annoying other people) can be illegal.
I drink occasionally but not to excess. I remember once going to a leaving party of someone I worked with who was about eight and a half months pregnant. No one could keep up with the amount of alcohol she was consuming. That's bad bahaviour. She was affecting the health of her unborn child. Especially as she was smoking heavily and from what I understand was into taking drugs on a daily basis, even throughout her pregnancy. Oh well, she is France's problem now. Viva La France.

And now for some people famous for drinking:-

Response 5 (Kylie - sexysuperbitch)

I totally agree with the comments made in this entry. I know people who are religious and who think that their opinion is the right one and will not even contemplate trying to understand the other person's opinion. That I can cope with because the way that I see it is that they have strong faith, although I would prefer if they would try to understand that not everything is black and white and that everyone is entitled to their belief.
Hypocracy on the otherhand is something I have difficulty understanding. I know religious people who quote the bible and promote their beliefs and they are breaking their beliefs left, right and centre. For example, someone I know is a Christian and used to go to Church every week. He complained to me once about his granddaughter living in sin with her boyfriend. Then his wife tracked this 73 year old to a hotel where he had just finished having sex with his mistress. Then it was revealed that he had several affairs over the years. He hasn't been to Church for a few months now because of the revelation. So much for his granddaughter living in sin when he himself was breaking one of the ten Commandments (though shalt not commit adultery).

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Response 4 (Louise-Ann)

I take on board what you say about being smacked not having affected you. I can never remember having being smacked as a child by either of my parents, neither of them believed in smacking children. I remember being yelled at (and truth be told my mother still yells at me quite frequently) but never smacked. I don't think it became a case of spare the rod and spoil the child. I was still made to know what what right and what was wrong as far as they were concerned.
Having said all that there are wild children that I believe need a spack. I remember a few years ago my cousin and two of her children staying with me. The eldest child (a boy) was far too lively and one day in the garden spat in my direction. I caught him and really told him off infront of his mother to which his mother said that was why her sister and the boy had stopped talking - he had spat at her sister as well a few weeks earlier. I am also aware his dad used to smack him for misbehaving. Perhaps the smacking caused my cousin's son to misbehave even further. His younger brother and sister were a lot more well behaved. Anyway they live in Cyprus and the army there is compulsary. This year he became 18 and is now in the army for two years compulsary service. I can only hope he learns some respect for other people.
Although I was not smacked as a child because I am not a father and therefore do not have to look after children 24/7 I feel that I do not have the right to offer a definitive opinion on smacking. Those who are perents and therefore live or have lived under the constant stress and delight of raising children can rage on with the argument over smacking.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Response 3 (Donnie's Blog)

I would suggest that if it is on the statute books then in the eyes of the law you would be classed as a drug user. Put it another way if you can be prosecuted in a court of law for drug taking then you are a drug user. I agree that there is much debate over certain class C drugs but if you don't like the law then either start a campaign, go and see your local Member of Parliament or stand for election next time there is either a local election or general election. I agree with some of your comments such as if "it doesn't directly effect me." but it could be argued that this is a 'not in my back yard' type of an argument

Friday, 27 April 2007

Response 2

But this film was done over ten years ago in the height of the Aids/HIV panic. I agree that the problems shown in Kids exists in Wolverhampton but not every one lives in Wolverhampton. People who do not experience this type of lifestyle need to see this type of film.
One comment I do not agree with is in regards to 16 year old girls being pregnant. The comment seems to suggest they only have themselves to blame. However, not all pregnant 16 year old girls had sex voluntarily. Rape exists. Child Abuse exists. Therefore, we should not judge all 16 year old girls especially as one day we may be fathers of 16 year old girls and if they become pregnant God help them if they are you daughter.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Response 1

Response to

Interesting that you would refer to Poetry in Motion from when a baby is rocked to sleep. Just a quick discussion on your spelling. Perhaps it is a Freudian slip because you 'feel' you are a Master at Masturbation but it is actually spelt MASTURBATION and not masterbation. Apologies but the module is called 'Being Bad' and I just couldn't resist. Don't worry, I am sure I have done a few typing errors myself.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


I believe that gambling excessively is an indication of obsessive compulsive behaviour and although gambling may lead to other types of bad behaviour (e.g. theft to support the habit, or anger when on a loosing streak) it is perhaps the reasons behind why the person is gambling that should be looked at. Is it escapism from real life, is it to do with feeling on the edge or a feeling of excitement, is it a social thing, is it because the person watched their parents gambling etc.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Swearing and Bad Language

I believe that anyone should be allowed to say what they want so long as it does not offend other people. In a previous job there was a member of staff who was in early fifties who used the 'Fuck' word a lot in her sentences. Because I used to hear her it seemed very casual, normal conversation and did not offend me in the slightest. However, other people were offended and unofficial complaints were made.

In regards to myself whether I swear or not depends who I am with. For example if I know that the person will not be offended by swearing then I'll fucking state it like it is. However, if I believe that someone will be offended then I definately will avoid swearing. I do know others who will swear even when those around them are offended. Perhaps they are more truthful to their real self but I believe that you should be tactful and be considerate to the feelings of others.

What is the origin of sweraring being considered bad behaviour - probably again the influence of religion on societal values.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Infidelity - part 3

Another couple that I know where infidelity was a major part on their married life (over 25 years) eventually divorced. During the marriage the husband had a number of affairs and often suffered from migranes when he was with his wife. A few years into their marriage he has even planning to go to Australia with his mistress but his mother found out and put a stop to his plans. The couple then threw a 25th anniversary party and invited many family members and friends. Shortly afterwards the husband left his wife and she did not know whether he would return. I believe he did the Wedding Anniversary party in order to see everyone from his old life for the last time and then left to start a new life. The couple divorced a few years later and he has since remarried. The ex-wife was very hurt she still cares for the ex-husband and possibly even more than that. The two children now in their thirties merely tolerate the father. Although the ex-wife still cares for the ex-husband she has said that perhaps it would have been better if their marriage had ended after the discovery of the Australian affair and that way she would have been able to start a new life herself. The moral of this story is that it is often because of the involvement of other people such as the children and in-laws, and also because of strong feelings that couples eventually reconcile after infidelity but there is also always the possibility of an extra-marital affair occuring again.

And whatever you do don't sleep with your wife's sister:-

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

I do not see why rogues such as bandits and outlaws are made to appear as heroes with the possible exception of Robin Hood which I feel is not a real character but a made up character and it is for that reason that I do not include a fairytale character in the rogues gallery. However, real characters such as Jesse James are criminals and there is nothing romantic or heroic about their actions. Therefore, it is the media such as television, cinema, radio and newspapers that have created the notion that some criminals are really heroes. Therefoe, there should be a lecture set aside for Bad Media, not only because of their false portrayal of bandits and outlaws but also because of their methods to obtain big story on celebrities.
My Response to Alex's Response to this entry
I am afraid we are going to have to disagree to some degree. I can understand why they are glorified in that the famous or infamous bandits or outlaws did something spectacular but I still feel it is wrong that they are glorified in any way. These people were hardened criminals and should be viewed in that context. However, people do often admire bad guys. I remember a relative of mine saying many years ago before she got married that she was fed up of being sent on blind dates with perceived 'good' men and wanted to go on dates with men that had a bad side to them. Just be careful or else you too might go over the Dark Side (reference to Star Wars which is nothing to do with this blog entry).

Friday, 20 April 2007

Lying with Integrity

It was interesting to see how many people in the Being Bad lecture this week were justifying lying and not just little white lies where no one gets hurt or where it is done to protect someone. I do not believe in lying to further one's opportunities which is what the lecturer at one point suggested people might do. I have been on the receiving end of someone's lying and it is not a nice experience - it is an experience that causes you to feel ill and therefore I would not do that on someone else no matter what the circumstances.
Being truthful is an moral and honourable trait. If you are put in a position where telling the truth is likely to hurt someone then it is better to say that you would rather not answer than tell a lie. Perhaps it is because I am religious and do believe in the 10 commandments and 'thou shalt not lie' that I believe strongly that you should not lie. Having said that I am aware of where religious people such as Nuns have lied and therefore being religious does not necessarily result in not lying.
During the lecture the lecturer mentioned about lying to children that Santa Claus exists. I actually don't agree with that one either and again it is due to experience. About twelve to fifteen years ago I had some relatives stay for two weeks during the Christmas period and the father of the three young children dressed up as Santa Claus. Everyone in the house gave the presents they had bought for the youngest child (a girl) to Santa Claus to give to her because she believed in Santa Claus. The delight on her face was indeed fantastic. However, a few hours later the little girl (my cousin's daughters) came up to me and said "we brought you these presents and Santa Claus brought me all these presents. Did you buy me a present?" I was mortified as I had given the present to her dad to give to her as Santa Claus.
And now for possibly the most famous lie of all:-

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Bad Cinema: Kids

The film 'kids' shown in the Being Bad lecture was suppoesed to be shocking when it was first produced in 1995. I must admit I only found two scenes shocking. The first was when the man was beaten up and then spat on. I hate spitting. It should be made a criminal offence. Think of the hygiene and spread of diseases. The second scene was the dog being kicked.
Promiscous sex exists. Violence exists. Drug taking exists. Rape exists. HIV exists. Perhaps this type of film is needed to show society what is happening.

My Response to StaceyAnn's Response to this blog entry

I understand that this type of film is not to everybody's taste and I agree that it is not the type of film that I would watch a second time. However, people need to be aware that type of behaviour does exist. I certainly would not be recommending the film. Judging by the amount of Youtube videos on this film it seems to have developed a cult following. Therefore, perhaps the end result has actually been an endorsement of the film by its cult following. After all the film was made over ten years ago and Youtube has not been around all that long.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Tattoos, Body Piercings and Body Modification

Similar to my 'Being Too Religious' entry I believe that so long as the person is not harming anyone alse they can have as many tattoos and body piercings as they like. However, I do not agree with the tribe that used to cut off peoples heads and trade them for firearms:-
These people should have been prosecuted under international law and put in prison for life.

I aslo don't agree with people stealing other people's tattoos such as in the case of Robbie Williams:-

And here's a clip of Robbie singing, showing his tatoos whilst attempting to dance, and then applying his own version of body modification.

Oh well according to Robbie's cousin that I work with he is not doing too well mentally these days. . Perhaps the person whose tattoo has been 'stolen' has placed a curse on Robbie. Perhaps the next thing that will happen will be that the tattoo peels off the arm. Only joking. Curses should be made illegal as well because there are people who believe in curses and hence self-fulfilling-prophecy.

Finally a comedy clip regarding tattoos:-

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Being Too Religious

The lecture on Being too Religious was interesting. However, due to the amount of students behaving badly (too loudly) I did not return for the second half which is unusual for me. Having heard half the lecture I still believe that everyone has the right to believe in what they want to believe so long as they are not harming anyone else and so long as they are not trying to force their beliefs on other people.

I am religious and enjoyed attending the night services during the week before Easter. Although I am religious I have my own beliefs and for example most people that I know who are in the same religion go to Confession on a regular basis. Although I can understand why they go to Confession I am not comfortable with the concept of Confession and do not appreciate comments such as you will not go to heaven unless you attend confession, or you are not allowed the oly Comunion unless you have attended Confession. That is placing conditions on religion and just like the notion of Unconditional Love there should also be a notion that religious belief should be Unconditional. I shall give another example. During the Holy week leading up to Easter the Congregation on the one evening went for Holy Water and Holy Oil. However, some were turned away because they were of a different religion. Again I beleive that this is wrong. The people concerned may well have been religious may have been of another Christian faith - I beleive that they should have been allowed the Holy Water and Holy Oil. Perhaps if some of the religious were more tolerant then the numbers within different faiths would not be diminishing.

I also have two cousins that are nuns. However, just because I am religious does not mean I cannot enjoy a joke against religion. Perhaps on a subsequent blog entry I might put a few religious jokes. Also just because someone is religious does not mean that they are holier than though and they should not behave that they are superior to others.

Monday, 16 April 2007

Masturbation - part 4

It seems that because of the Being Bad lecture on masturbation that I am suddenly noticing the humour on masturbation on television. In addition to the previous comments on Birds of a Feather and League of Gentlemen I have also noticed references to masturbation on television in the last three weeks from the following programmes:- Friends, Will and Grace, Teachers, the Charlotte Church Show, and from the film Dreamers.

In Friends Phoebe makes a reference that when she was a girl she was allowed to look but not touch. Chandler then makes a comment that he too was told that when he was a child looking down at his genetalia area. In Will and Grace after Will and Grace go to a hotel to conceive a child they decide not to conceive the natural way and instead go to a sperm doner center. When Will then says he is going to have a shower Grace makes a comments that she doesn't want him masturbate and loose his best swimmers (although the word masturbate is not actually used). Will expalins that will not happen and Grace says she wishes she was that reserved - finally a mention of female masturbation. Further female masturbation discussions in Teachers where the teachers are discussing masturbation in the pub. The male characters seem genuinely surprised at the female characters revelation that they too masturbate. On the way home two of the male characters are discussing the earlier discussion and the one person says "My God, what if it's like the biggest kept secret and they [women] are all at it". In the Christmas Special of the League of Gentlemen a young girl goes to confession regarding her feeling for a boy and the Vicar asks if she touches herself in forbidden areas and more discussion follows until the girl admits she is masturbating (again the masturbation word is not actually used) and teh Vicar starts yelling at the girl at how disgusting she is and chases her out of the Church. In the Charlotte Church show they showed a humourous clip from Trainspotters where a boy a masturbating and his mother walks in. Finally in Dreamers a young woman forces her boyfriend to masturbate in a corner as a punishment infront of their friend.

In the programmes where the masturbation word or other similar word is not actually used it is because of the ime the programme is shown and because some of the audience is too deemed too young.

With the possible exception of Dreamers all the other programmes and films mentioned either show or discuss masturbation in a humourous tone.

And here is a scene from Extras:-